I stumbled across this photo of my 3-year old son, Evan this evening after everyone had gone to bed. I'm not sure when my wife, Kim, took the photo...but it captures the essence of my little Evan in a nutshell. No kid tackles life with more gusto than this little lad! And, as you might guess, life sometimes tackles him back.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I stumbled across this photo of my 3-year old son, Evan this evening after everyone had gone to bed. I'm not sure when my wife, Kim, took the photo...but it captures the essence of my little Evan in a nutshell. No kid tackles life with more gusto than this little lad! And, as you might guess, life sometimes tackles him back.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Incomparable Gerry Cott
Fans of the Boomtown Rats wept when Gerry Cott left the band. Frankly, the Rats were never the same after his departure...and never achieved the same commercial success as well. Cott's exit signaled the end of one of the greatest Irish bands ever.
Well, Gerry's back on YouTube. It's great to see him playing guitar again.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Sixx:A.M. - The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack
I never was much of a Motley Crue fan. However, I have been totally blown away by Nikki Sixx's latest project which is a companion soundtrack to his book, "The Heroin Diaries". This is mindblowing stuff along the lines of Queensryche's "Operation Mindcrime".
Those of you who have visited this site from time to time know that I am a fan of the Zvue media player. The model 250 sells for under $70 at Walmart and the new model 260 goes for less than $100 bucks. For the money, it really is a decent little portable media player.
Aside from playing xvid videos and mp3/wma files, it does a couple of things that anyone who listens to podcasts understand is crucial. The first feature that I am referring to is the "auto-resume" feature. In other words, when I turn the device off, it remembers where I was. This comes in handy if you are listening to a long podcast or a movie because you don't have to fast forward back to the point you were at. The second feature is even harder to find. Once I have finished listening to a podcast, I can delete it directly from the device. Most of these gadgets make you wait until later when you've attached it to your computer.
So, the main reason for this posting is a little rumor that comes from a comment left on Zvue-net. Here it is:
"New firmware for the 200/250/260 is coming fairly soon (and we have crushed many old annoying bugs - I've been driving a debugging campaign). But, the big (and strictly unofficial news, because you may never see it, if... an asteroid hits the building or something) is SDHC (compatible, we don't liscence the logo, so we have to be "compatible") support beta is now working (yay)."
It's been over a year since the Zvue has seen a firmware update and, frankly, it's about time. Hopefully, this fantastic little gadget becomes even more indispensable after the new update!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Vixy allows you convert a Flash Video / FLV file (YouTube's videos,etc) to MPEG4 (AVI/MOV/MP4/MP3/3GP) file online. It is using a compressed domain transcoder technology. It converts FLV to MPEG4 faster and less lossy than a typical transcoder.
When you submit an url, it will download and convert to the video format. Then you can download the converted file.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Boomtown Rats -Funny Interview +
Hilarious video of Bob and the band during the early 80s. I'd love to know the rest of the story behind this television appearance. It looks like cable access program (ala Wayne's World) at its very best.